Chennai Spine


Pre Operative Advice

Before Surgery
Get A Second Opinion – Spine surgery is a huge decision. Even if you trust your surgeon, considering the stakes, it’s important to consider having a second set of eyes view the problem and confirm the original diagnosis and treatment plan.
Prehab – You don’t need to wait until your surgery is complete to start your rehab program. Studies have shown that patients who partake in a prehab strengthening program are more likely to have better outcomes than those who simply rely on a post-op recovery program. It’s never too early to form helpful rehabilitation habits, so start before your operation.
Improved Diet – Help your body get the nutrition it needs to help structures recover. A poor diet can also increase your risk of spinal inflammation, which can make symptoms worse before your operation.
Weight Loss – If you’re obese or overweight, consider working towards a healthier weight. Being overweight puts more stress on the spinal column, which will be in a weakened state following surgery. Strive to work towards a healthier weight, and your spine will be better off for it.